2023 Multifunctional Additive Manufacturing Symposium

RIT’s New York State-funded AMPrint Center is bringing back its additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing (3DP) symposium that covers state-of-the-art processes, materials, and applications. We cordially invite you to attend this year’s event which will take place June 7 & 8th. We have assembled a fantastic set of speakers who will present 3DP/AM topics ranging from aerospace light weighting to Hollywood costume design to 3D printing with technical ceramics. The speakers have been selected to make the event both informative and entertaining for everyone. Two optional pre-symposium workshops on (1) the design of lattice structures with nTop software and (2) AM part inspection with X-ray CT scanning will also be held on June 6th. Seating is limited for those workshops, so register soon if you are interested.

Full details for the event are provided in the linked brochure below. While we encourage registration by May 30th so that we are able to get an accurate head count to the hotel for breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal planning, online registration will be available until the day of the event, and in-person registration will be available during the event. Feel free to email Jade Myers at jdmeie@rit.edu with any questions.

Register Here: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/ritreg?key=5HCZ-DDY7S_K9KH-5PTF_c1763772c196

31may6:45 pm6:45 pm

2023 Multifunctional Additive Manufacturing Symposium6:45 pm - 6:45 pm Event Type:Industry Events


Event Details

RIT’s New York State-funded AMPrint Center is bringing back its additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing (3DP) symposium that covers state-of-the-art processes, materials, and applications. We cordially invite you to attend this year’s event which will take place June 7 & 8th. We have assembled a fantastic set of speakers who will present 3DP/AM topics ranging from aerospace light weighting to Hollywood costume design to 3D printing with technical ceramics. The speakers have been selected to make the event both informative and entertaining for everyone. Two optional pre-symposium workshops on (1) the design of lattice structures with nTop software and (2) AM part inspection with X-ray CT scanning will also be held on June 6th. Seating is limited for those workshops, so register soon if you are interested.

Full details for the event are provided in the linked brochure below. While we encourage registration by May 30th so that we are able to get an accurate head count to the hotel for breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal planning, online registration will be available until the day of the event, and in-person registration will be available during the event. Feel free to email Jade Myers at jdmeie@rit.edu with any questions.

Register Here: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/ritreg?key=5HCZ-DDY7S_K9KH-5PTF_c1763772c196


(Wednesday) 6:45 pm - 6:45 pm

Exhibitor Inquiry
Attendee Request Form: 2023 Hardware Prototyping Workshop
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