Critical Stage Webinar
July 19 | 11 AM
You have performed proof-of-concept testing and your product shows promise, but you need to refine the product, scale up processes (without lowering quality), and get the message out to more customers (potentially in new markets or industries). Find out where to go for help with things like: mid-volume production, testing/validation, developing a more robust supply chain, getting assistance with workforce development, marketing, and funding. Learn about critical, and potentially business-saving topics, like how to successfully pitch your product to potential investors and what contract manufacturers are looking for before they will work with a new company.
Webinar Speakers
Upcoming Series Webinars
After some initial success making and selling product, your business is ready to take off, but you need help strategically growing your operations and becoming more efficient. Learn about resources that can assist with things like: Locating a larger facility/more physical space, developing a more robust supply chain, getting assistance with workforce development, developing lean processes, automation, and funding. Make connections to resources that can help your business as you continue to grow, no matter what obstacles you face.