Energy Frontier Research Center

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ESD-NYSTAR has received approval to offer co-funding for Energy Frontier Research Center applications submitted by NYS institutions of higher education and non-profit research organizations. In conjunction with NYSERDA, ESD-NYSTAR anticipates New York State will once again provide a 10% match of the federal funds awarded for work conducted in New York State, up to $2 million per EFRC and $6 million in total commitments shared equally between NYSERDA and ESD.
New York State’s funding would augment DOE’s by promoting greater university/industry partnerships accelerating the transition of exploratory early-stage research into commercial application. Later this week, we expect to provide you with a single letter of support from New York State that you can include in your application. NYSERDA and ESD will then work with successful applicants to develop a scope of work, budget and contract.
In order to process this request and provide you with a letter of support, please complete and submit an application for the Matching Grants Leverage Program.  This application will be shared with NYSERDA for their reference/action going forward.


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