Enter FuzeHub’s Manufacturer Photo Contest

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FuzeHub wants to know what manufacturing looks like where you work. From now until October 1, 2021, New York State manufacturers are invited to submit a photo of their facility, equipment, personnel, or operations for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. It doesn’t matter whether you work on an assembly line or in a cleanroom, laboratory, machine shop, or commercial kitchen. If you’re making it in New York State, we want to see what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

Follow this link and complete the online form to get started. Name, Email, and Company are all required.  When you submit a photograph, make sure to share a large, high-resolution image. The maximum file size is 8 Mb and the accepted file types are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .gif. Also, remember to read and accept the terms and conditions. FuzeHub may use your image to promote New York State manufacturing, so don’t include a photo with any protected or proprietary information.

As Manufacturing Month approaches, FuzeHub looks forward to seeing your photos and showing the world what manufacturing looks like across New York State. Enter the photo contest today.


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