FuzeHub Announces Millennials in Manufacturing Awards

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FuzeHub will award a total of $25,000 to professionals under the age of 40 who are driving cutting-edge innovation and growth in the highly-competitive manufacturing industry. The newly launched Millennials in Manufacturing Awards will identify two grand-prize winners to receive $2,500 awards. Additionally, 10 recipients will earn $1,000 awards and 20 others will receive $500. “As the rapid pace of technological change continues to accelerate, the manufacturing industry needs more young leaders who are prepared to constantly adapt and implement innovative solutions to drive growth,” said FuzeHub Executive Director Elena Garuc. “We launched the
Millennials in Manufacturing Awards to celebrate young professionals who are doing their part to strengthen New York State’s manufacturing industry. By recognizing their achievements, we hope to encourage more people to pursue careers in manufacturing.”
FuzeHub, the statewide New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership center, will introduce the winners of the inaugural Millennials in Manufacturing Awards at the New York State
Innovation Summit in Rochester October 7-8. The application window will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31. Finalists will be notified in September. Applications must to be submitted by employers, which need to be New York State manufacturing companies with under 500 employees. The employee must be between the ages of 25 and 39, while holding a position as an engineer, technician or another position directly
related to manufacturing operations, such as product and process development, automation, manufacturing engineering, equipment design, build and maintenance, process, production and quality control.
In addition to the online nomination form, the nominated employee is asked to create a 60- second video highlighting what excites them about manufacturing, innovation and working in
New York State. To nominate an employee, manufacturers should visit:
Winners will be invited to exhibit at the New York State Innovation Summit and will have the opportunity to be featured in a print or online publication, podcast and/or video. The two-day New York State Innovation Summit will serve as a celebration of innovation and a call to action for further collaboration. More information is available at nysinnovationsummit.com.


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