FuzeHub Partners with Etsy

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Scaling the Maker Economy through Small-Batch Manufacturing
Etsy and Fuze Hub will conduct a pilot to help small designers and makers scale their production through local manufacturing partnerships, while educating small and mid-sized manufacturers about how to better meet the needs of small designers. Originally funded by a NIST MEP grant, FuzeHub connects participants to a wide array of manufacturing resources and amplifies the reach of the national MEP program. By connecting Etsy sellers to FuzeHub services, the partners will develop new strategies to connect the emerging maker economy with the U.S. manufacturing sector. 
“Etsy is excited to begin this collaboration with FuzeHub.  Analysis of manufacturing needs is vital to the success and growth of our sellers.  With the help of FuzeHub and the connections they will make to resources such as the NYS Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Etsy sellers can scale at the pace and size that works for them,” said Althea Erickson, Etsy public policy director.


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