FuzeHub's newest team member, Page Fronczek

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FuzeHub has a new team member: Marketing and Events Coordinator, Page Fronczek. Page joins the team ready to support FuzeHub’s goals of growing the competitiveness of NYS manufacturers by helping them overcome challenges to growth.
Page will be a driving force behind FuzeHub’s communications and outreach to the manufacturing and technology communities about organizational events, webinars, and other initiatives. Page will also be instrumental in raising awareness of NYSTAR-funded assets in New York State, including New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NY MEP), part of the MEP National Network.
Page has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and is also pursuing an MBA from the College of Saint Rose.


2 thoughts on “FuzeHub's newest team member, Page Fronczek”

  1. Page
    My colleagues at the US Dept of Commerce in Rochester were hoping to the attend your manufacturing event in Rochester next week. Do you have a mechanism to provide attendance for government entities at no charge or reduce charges– I dont think they have a budget for this activity?
    Ed Kowalewski
    Dir International Investment Programs

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