Get Ready for the Food Safety Modernization Act

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Workers in a sanitized processing facility testing liquid in storage tanks

Does your business process, pack, hold, or manufacture food? Are you subject to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), landmark legislation that redefines the federal government’s approach to food safety? FSMA became law in January 2011, but some regulations weren’t finalized until November 2015. Beginning in September 2016, FDA enforcement begins. Are you ready to meet these requirements? Are there some that may not apply to you?

Join Martin Ziegler, a leading food safety, quality, and management systems expert, for an informational session about FSMA and what it means for your business. This important food and beverage industry event is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM at SUNY New Paltz in Lecture Center 104. The session is sponsored by the SUNY New Paltz School of Business, Hudson Valley Technology Development Center (HVTDC), Prism eSolutions, and FuzeHub.
To register, visit, click the Registration link, and follow the instructions. The cost is just $20.

Meet the Experts

 Martin Ziegler, the event’s presenter, is a managing partner for Prism International and a lead instructor for Prism eSolutions, a technology and management services organization that helps companies comply with regulatory requirements. Ziegler has over 20 years of experience and, as a lead consultant, has successfully managed projects in both Europe and North America, including for these NYS companies.

  • Crepeni, LLC
  • House of Spices
  • Tumeric Healing
  • Coca Cola
  • Food Saver
  • Buffalo Provisions

HVDTC also has a distinguished history with the NYS food and beverage industry. As the designated Regional Technology Development Center (RTDC) for the Hudson Valley, HVDTC receives funding from the Division of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI), part of Empire State Development (ESD) – New York State’s chief economic development organization. HVDTC is also a Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Center with funding from the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST).
HVDTC projects with the NYS food and beverage industry include:

  • Greyston Bakery Inc.
  • EFCO Products Inc.
  • Down to Earth Markets
  • Flynn Burner Corp.
  • Culinary Institute of America

What You’ll Learn

NYS food and beverage companies that attend the New Paltz event may be surprised by some of the new FDA requirements. Historically, the focus of federal regulators was responding to contamination. Now, even small and medium companies must establish preventive controls. Larger food and beverage processors are familiar with stringent requirements, but smaller firms may have questions about regulatory compliance or need to add capabilities.
For example, new FDA regulations specify that all food manufacturers must have a process-control certified individual on staff. Achieving this certification involves completing a 2-1/2 day program that’s very intensive. But is your company really a “food manufacturer” under FSMA? The FDA has established exemptions based on company size and type of production. There are also exceptions to the low-acid canned food exemption that food processors need to know about.
In addition, there are differences between a craft brewer that sells only beer and a craft brewer that sells both beer and food. (Establishments that produce only alcohol are exempt from FDA regulations because they’re covered by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) instead). By attending the June 21 information session, you’ll learn about FSMA compliance strategies, compliance deadlines, and certifications while getting an overview of the seven FSMA rules.
Click here to register for this food and beverage industry event at the SUNY New Paltz School of Business on June 21, 2016.
Image Credit: © endostock –


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