Join FuzeHub at the Manufacturing Mission to Profit Event

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Manufacturing Mission to Profit

In September, NYSTAR Director Matt Watson and FuzeHub’s NY MEP Solutions Director, Everton H. Henriques, will be joint keynote speakers at the Manufacturing Mission to Profit event, hosted by The Association for Rehabilitation Marketing (ARM). FuzeHub, NYSTAR and TDO are partnering with ARM to host this event for manufacturers to learn about ways that their business can harness sound manufacturing methods and practices. Everton will be speaking about the business successes achieved in work center transformation through the assistance of regionally-based New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership Centers (NY MEP).
Some of the key topics to be covered on day 1 of the event include cybersecurity, funding & resources, engineering & technology, and data-based decision making.
Day 2 of the event will include the Association for Rehabilitation Marketing’s Annual Business Meeting followed by breakfast and informational sessions. The sessions on Day 2 will cover the NYS New Industrial Manufacturing Technician Apprenticeship, Industry 4.0 technologies, and more.
Join FuzeHub at this event and find ways that your manufacturing business can benefit from this gathering of statewide resources. Register


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