Multifunctional 3D Printing Symposium Invites Manufacturers

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3D printing (3DP) and additive manufacturing (AM) are revolutionizing design, prototyping, and production. Yet most 3DP and AM technologies are used to fabricate purely mechanical structures. Thanks to ongoing research and development (R&D) 3D printed parts that provide electrical, thermal, optical, magnetic, chemical, and biological functionality are possible. This multi-functional 3D printing promises novel applications but also requires new materials.
In New York State, R&D into multi-functional 3DP is a key focus of the Additive Manufacturing and Multifunctional Printing (AMPrint) Center at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). As one of the first research centers in the world to specialize in this area, AMPrint is synthesizing new functional materials that are optimized for 3D printing. This New York State Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) is also developing new multi-material 3DP technologies.  
For manufacturers who want to learn more about multi-functional 3DP, an event in June will provide them with a unique opportunity. Sponsored by AMPrint and Empire State Development’s (ESD) Division of Science Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR), the Multi-functional 3D Printing Symposium will begin with optional pre-event workshops on June 12 and will feature in-depth programming on June 13 and 14. The event will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Rochester, NY.
The Multi-functional 3D Printing Symposium has a strong New York State focus but will also include experts from across the country. Speakers at this premiere event come from a wide range of disciplines and were selected because of their ability to introduce attendees to new technologies, materials, and applications. The pre-event workshops will include sessions from AutoDesk and the entire event will promote networking and collaboration among researchers.    
Visit the event website to learn more, and email Susan Rasuch for event details, registration information, or hotel accommodations. Workshop attendance is limited, so register now to save your place at the Multi-functional 3D Printing Symposium in Rochester.


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