Cree aims to start operations in Marcy in 14 months
“It will likely be 2029 before the Cree nanofabrication facility will reach its peak projected employment number of 614, but there will be plenty of hiring well before then, company representatives told a full-house audience at the town hall Monday evening.”
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Cheddar Production Starts in Johnstown Amid $ 5M Building Overhaul
“Westmeadow Creamery has started cheddar cheese production in a long-vacant Johnstown industrial building as company founder Tom Vaughan invests $5 million to convert the property into a cheese, yogurt and ice cream manufacturing and retail center.”
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DARPA’s Initiative to Train Military Robot Swarm Using Gamers’ Brain
“The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is funding a study that will use gamers’ brain waves to teach hives of defense robots how to swarm together to complete missions. DARPA has given a US$ 316,000 federal grant to the University at Buffalo Artificial Intelligence Institute to study gamers’ brain waves and eye movements. The aim is to improve organization and strategy among autonomous air and ground robots.”
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For Brooklyn’s Smallest Businesses, a Lending Lifeline
“The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce is providing micro loans up to $25,000 to small businesses that don’t qualify for commercial loans, the chamber president announced on Tuesday.”
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Made in WNY: Garrett Leather, Outfitting Private Jets and the White House
“Everything traces back to a modest-looking plant in Cheektowaga, where the family-owned business moved a few years ago to accommodate its growth. Max Brown, the president, is carrying on the tradition that his father, Cameron, started when he founded the business in 1988.”
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