What Participants Learned on Manufacturing Day

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Are you tired of hearing that manufacturing jobs are dull, dirty, dangerous, and low-paying? Did you know that there’s a way for the manufacturing industry to address these misconceptions one company at a time? Each year, thousands of manufacturers participate in Manufacturing Day.
MFG DAY, as this international event is also known, is when companies like yours open their doors to students and educators. The results of this year’s October 2 MFG Day are now available, and you might be surprised by what the survey says.
Most of the manufacturers who participated in this year’s Manufacturing Day are glad that they did. As reported by MFG Day, the Manufacturing Institute, and Deloitte, 94% of participants reported that the event generated value. An even greater percentage (95%) of participating companies said that they’re likely to host a future event. For manufacturers who are concerned about finding a future workforce, MFG Day provides a way to connect with potential talent.
So what do the students who visited manufacturing companies think about their hosts? According to the survey, 90% found the tours they took and events they attended to be interesting and engaging. Nearly 85% of respondents are now more aware of manufacturing jobs in their community, and 81% are more convinced that manufacturing offers careers that are both interesting and rewarding. Over 60% of students are more motivated to pursue a career in manufacturing, and 71% are now likely to tell others about manufacturing.
The educators who attended MFG DAY events also learned something important. Over 90% reported that they’re now more convinced that manufacturing provides careers that are interesting and rewarding. A similar percentage (88%) said that they’re now more aware of manufacturing jobs in their communities. Like their students, 9 out of 10 educators also found MFG DAY events to be interesting and engaging.
Did your New York State manufacturing company host an MFG Day event this year? If so, what was your experience?
Image Credit: © Rassco/Dollar Photo Club


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