Who Will Fill Manufacturing’s Toolbox?

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Written by: Steve Melito, Industry Blog Writer for FuzeHub

Image Credit: CGAM

During a recent visit to Pittsburgh, President Obama promised to provide small-to-medium manufacturers with the tooling they need to help themselves. “I can’t rent the Space Shuttle to you,” he joked, “but there are areas where we can enhance what is already being done by companies like TechShop,” a Steel City business that is lending production tools and equipment to local manufacturers.
On that same day, the White House announced that the Administration would offer entrepreneurs easier access to high-tech resources at more than 700 federal R&D facilities, including NASA’s National Center for Advanced Manufacturing in New Orleans. To speed the development of innovative materials, five federal agencies will also spend more than $150-million to support the Material Genome Initiative.
With a name reminiscent of the Human Genome Project, the Material Genome Initiative is a public-private partnership – but at the federal level. Here in New York, the Center for Global Advanced Manufacturing (CGAM) is building laboratories to provide Empire State manufactures with access to state-of-the-art technologies that cost more than many small companies can afford.
How could your business benefit from accessing New York’s SMARTT labs, as these SUNY Manufacturing Alliance for Research and Technology Transfer (SMARTT) facilities are known? At the federal level, how would you like to see Washington strengthen manufacturing here in New York? Is providing greater access to production tooling part of the answer?
View original story: Obama Says He Will Build Up Manufacturing
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