Why do Manufacturers Need Marketing?

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Why do manufacturers need marketing? Image of different-sized gears with different images of manufacturing inside each gear

If you are a manufacturer, marketing, specifically through social media may seem a little daunting.  You may think, I’m a manufacturer why do I need to have social media? It’s not important to my business.
It is important to your business. Social media is a great marketing tool any organization can use to promote brand awareness and connect with a larger audience at nominal cost. It could be particularly useful if you are a contract manufacturer looking to generate more business.
Keep in mind, if you decide your organization should give social media a try, that it is not only for advertising. You can share pictures and stories about your employees or special happenings that you are proud of, or simply want to share.
There are three pieces of advice the marketing professionals at FuzeHub can give manufacturers who are not on social media but would like to try it.

  1. Be consistent. You do not have to be on social media all day, but one or two posts to Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn a day goes a long way.
  2. There are tools that make managing multiple social media accounts easier (Hootsuite is a free one).
  3. Quality over quantity is key. Good quality content attracts and retains followers.

For more tips on social media for manufacturers check out this article from CMTC.
If you are a small to medium sized manufacturer in New York State please feel free to reach out to our team of industry experts here for help with any challenges your organization may be facing.


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