Why You Should Follow FuzeHub on LinkedIn

Page Views: 387

Written by: Steve Melito
Would you like to get news about New York manufacturing while you’re on LinkedIn? Would you like to become a thought leader, sharing insights and opinions with your Empire State peers? Are you ready to connect with other thought leaders, but not sure where to find them on-line? Then it’s time to follow FuzeHub on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. There are other social networks, of course, but will you find the professionals you want to connect with there? Facebook is fun, but it’s probably not the best place to talk about taxes on manufacturers. Twitter is terse, but can you discuss the challenges facing high-tech startups in 140 characters or less? You can paint a picture with Pinterest or improve your SEO with Google, but will you find New York’s manufacturing leaders there?
Follow FuzeHub on LinkedIn today. As we build our page into informational powerhouse, we’ll welcome your comments and contributions. So share your insights and options. Look around, see who’s there, and connect with your peers. It all starts by visiting FuzeHub on LinkedIn and choosing the Follow button.
See you there!


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