A FuzeHub Manufacturing Expo Vitality in the Valley: Farm to Factory ATTENDEE REGISTRATION Vitality in the Valley: Farm to Factory Expo "*" indicates required fields Email* Name* First Last Title* Phone*Organization* Organization Website Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Describe Your Need/Goal*In what areas does your business need assistance or why are you participating in this event? Business Type* Manufacturer Economic Development Government University Startup/Entrepreneur Other What is your company's manufacturing sector?*select manufacturing sectorAdvanced Material & Manufacturing, including Contract ManufacturersAerospace & DefenseAgribusiness, Food & BeverageBio-Technology & Life Sciences, Medical, Personal Care/Cosmetics, ChemicalsClean Technology & Renewable Energy, Environmental, Bio-Materials/SustainabilityFashion & ApparelHigh-Tech Electronics & IT, I4.0, Robotics, SensorsOptics, Photonics & ImagingPrecious Metals & GemsProfessional & Financial Services, EngineeringTransportation Equipment & LogisticsConsumer/Industrial/Construction Products and OthersOtherPlease select all that apply (whether current, planned / eligible as) Start-up Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOB) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Part of Department of Defense supply chain How many employees in New York State? No employees 1 to 5 6 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 500 More than 500 Vitality in the Valley Fee* ViV Registration with breakfast & lunch - $45 ViV Registration Attendance Only (No Food) - $10 Coupon Total Credit Card*Card Details Cardholder Name How did you hear about this event?*Social MediaWord of MouthBlogSearch EngineEvents CalendarEmailAdvertisementFriend/ColleagueOtherPlease read and check to proceed* I agree to the privacy policy.* I acknowledge, as an attendee of this event, I may be asked to fill out an evaluation survey sent from FuzeHub’s funding organization. Δ PARTNERS & SPONSORS Back to top