Cluster Study
The survey is now closed. Thank you to all who provided input.
Do you consider your organization to be part of – or to support the growth of – one of the industry clusters below?* Please lend your perspective by completing the survey below.
Associate yourself with more than one cluster? Please complete the survey for each cluster for which you like to provide input.
All respondents will receive preliminary data findings from the MRB Team about growth trends in these industry groups across New York State.
1. Defense & Security
Companies that produce goods, services, and technologies that have applications in defense, national security, or homeland security. These may include products that play a role in any tier of the defense supply chain or have dual commercial and military use.
2. Life Sciences
& Industrial Bio
Companies producing goods, services, and technologies related to pharmaceuticals (including chemical inputs), medical devices, medical equipment and instruments, medical laboratories, diagnostics, life sciences R&D, and life sciences related to agriculture and environmental applications. (Generally, we are not seeking responses from direct health care providers such as doctor’s offices and hospitals, or from providers of software solutions related to the administration of such organizations.)
3. Climate Tech
Companies producing goods, services, and technologies that have the potential to advance environmental sustainability.
4. Information & Communications Technology
Companies that produce goods, equipment, services, and technologies in the areas of communications, telecommunications equipment, computer programming, software publishing, and computer- and data-related facilities and services.
5. Materials
Companies that develop or utilize novel or advanced materials to create new or improved products, across the full range of materials classes (metals, polymers/plastics, ceramics and glass, composites).
* Economic Development Stakeholder
Economic development organizations, entrepreneurial support organizations, R&D institutions, or others supporting the growth of multiple clusters.
More About the Study
In addition to MRB Group, the MRB Team includes the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC); FuzeHub; the New York State Economic Development Council; the New York State Science and Technology Law Center (NYS SLTC) at the Syracuse University College of Law’s Innovation Law Center; and Global Location Strategies.
This study is part of a larger series of studies, including one specific to the semiconductor industry, and you may be contacted further on related topics.
*The selection and definition of these five clusters for study was based on a variety
of considerations and does not reflect any policies or priorities on the part of ESD.