Build Your Business Webinar
This webinar has ended. Access webinar recording and slides below.
What to Expect:
Learn how these incubators and commercialization resources are helping farm, food, and beverage start-up companies and entrepreneurs throughout New York State to implement new technologies, understand new trends in food based businesses, explore funding opportunities and navigate the roadmap to success.
Who should tune-in:
Farm and food enterprise innovators seeking regional and statewide resources to tap into, and facilitate innovative solutions to growth challenges.
Host & Presenters

Elizabeth Rivera

Julianne Clouthier

Lindsay Thompson

Katherine Gregory

Phoebe Schreiner

Brooke Mayer

Introduction and Welcome
Beth Rivera, FuzeHub
Get to Know NYSTAR-funded
Food and Agriculture Resources:
Katherine Gregory
The Entrepreneur Space, Queens NY
Lindsay Thompson
Brooke Mayer
Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech
Phoebe Schreiner
The Farm and Food Business Incubator
Julianne Couthier
FuzeHub (Ag Challenge)
Q&A & Conclusion
Facilitated by Beth Rivera