Kim Lloyd

Additive Manufacturing – A New Tool in the Manufacturing Toolbox Part 2

I guess I would trace the origins of Additive Manufacturing (3-D Printing) back to August of 1977, when Canon engineer Ichiro Endo discovered thermal inkjet printing, where a computer algorithm guided the placement of thermally-induced ink droplets to form an image on paper. This discovery has gotten a lot of mileage in the world, and we take for granted that when we send a file to our printer from a computer, we get a precise representation of the image, in two dimensions, in full color!

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Additive Manufacturing – A New Tool in the Manufacturing Toolbox!

This will be the first in a series of blogs on the topic of Additive Manufacturing (AM) – to give small to mid-size manufacturers an overview of the entire industry, at least as I have uncovered thus far. The intent is to give manufacturers enough information to begin making decisions about incorporating AM into their manufacturing processes.
By way of introduction, I have been working on a grant from NIST MEP, in New York, working on a service for small to mid-sized manufacturers, to be offered through our ten Regional Technology Development Centers,( part of NYSTAR/ESD), which provides “Virtual” Design and Prototype resources. As I have paid much attention to Prototype resources, I have become very familiar with the Rapid Prototype technologies that have recently morphed to become viable production tools. I share my findings in the spirit of advancing your knowledge of this exciting technology.

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HVTDC New 3D Printer

A new resource for NYS Manufacturers from Hudson Valley Technology Development Center. Hudson Valley Technology Development Center has purchased a MakerBot Replicator 2, 3D printer. While

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