Participate in the Energy Efficiency Innovation Collaborative

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Attention Emerging Technologies!  Deadline is March 25, 2014

EE-INC is a wide-ranging initiative that is part of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s BuildSmart NY program to grow the energy efficiency industry in New York by identifying and installing commercial, but not yet widely deployed, energy efficiency technologies and products in schools, offices, healthcare facilities and other public buildings.
A Request For Information (RFI) from manufacturers is available online at the EE-INC website. Interested companies can complete the RFI before March 25, 2014, the first deadline for program participation. Technologies will be reviewed based on a variety of factors, including:

  1. Commercial status: This RFI is seeking information about innovative energy efficiency technologies that are commercially available in New York, are certified to meet industry safety standards and relevant code requirements, and offer other commercial terms such as warranties and service plans.
  2. Technical viability: EE-INC is focused on commercial technology that preferably would have undergone previous technical performance evaluations. Any available supporting documentation related to those technical evaluations should be included as part of the submission to the RFI.
  3. Applicability to the needs of the BuildSmart NY marketplace: Products that meet the needs of the BuildSmart NY marketplace—such as schools, offices, healthcare facilities, and other public buildings—will be given the highest priority.
  4. Non-energy benefits: This may include enhanced building occupancy comfort, reduced maintenance costs, reduced environmental impacts, improved power quality and reliability, etc.
  5. New York economic impact: EE-INC is interested in learning about your firm’s current or planned operations and how they might offer economic development opportunities for New York. Any firm expanding its operation or moving to New York through acceptance in Start Up NY, and whose product is determined to be technically viable and meets other EE-INC program priorities, will be considered for a product demonstration project in a public building in New York.

To participate in the EE-INC program, click here


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