Governor Cuomo Announces FuzeHub is Helping Manufacturers Grow in Long Island

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New Initiative is Successful in Finding Solutions for Manufacturing Companies 

 FuzeHub has assisted and connected dozens of Long Island manufacturing companies/entrepreneurs to resources throughout the state

Governor Cuomo today announced that FuzeHub, a new statewide initiative to grow manufacturing companies, is successfully finding solutions for businesses across the State – including Long Island companies such as Hydrolutions North America and Solaravy. The collaboration and resource platform works with the New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program, universities and existing state programs to help connect small and medium-sized manufacturing companies with the solutions they need grow their business. To date, FuzeHub has provided assistance to more than 400 companies in New York State.
“Supporting New York’s manufacturers helps grow our state economy,” said Governor Cuomo. “By combining state resources to help companies on Long Island connect with experts in the industry, we will enable manufacturers to continue to create more jobs across New York.”
Hydrolutions North America, LLC (, which develops and installs ecological waste water treatment systems, engaged FuzeHub to help with beta testing in New York State and third-party environmental testing. Executives from Hydrolutions first learned about FuzeHub and its partners at the 2013 Long Island Solutions Forum, hosted by Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) and the Long Island Forum for Technology (LIFT). FuzeHub team members have since helped the company explore ways to establish a foothold in New York State, thereby proving the company’s technology to the U.S. market and ultimately creating new, green-tech jobs in New York.
“Over the last several months, we have come to rely on the FuzeHub team to assist us in facilitating a larger footprint for Hydrolutions North America in the environmental wastewater industry. We view FuzeHub as a valued ally as we move forward to getting the Hydrolutions North America story out, about Ecological Wastewater Treatment and its beneficial, sustainable, and green use impacts,” said Michael Urtnowski, President & CEO, Hydrolutions North America.
Hydrolutions, located in Nassau County, has exclusive access to a patented, plant-based alternative to wastewater treatment that is simultaneously effective, efficient and environmentally sensitive. The company’s alternative is especially attractive at a period in which many wastewater treatment facilities are using older mechanical/chemical processes that have not been updated in decades. Hydrolutions required a site to beta test its technology in New York State, as well as third-party environmental testing to validate the technology and demonstrate its viability. FuzeHub responded quickly to address both of these needs, connecting Hydrolutions executives with increased exposure to critical resources such as validating facilities, laboratories and specialized equipment, contract engineering consulting, funding streams, and supplier and industry partners, among other essential networks.
“FuzeHub is clearly making an impact on our state’s manufacturers by providing direct, targeted assistance to businesses looking to grow,” said Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Kenneth Adams. “These regional success stories are just a sampling of the breadth of resources the FuzeHub initiative can offer manufacturing companies. We are hopeful more businesses will turn to FuzeHub to benefit from its valuable expertise and guidance.”
Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano stated, “FuzeHub is helping grow two successful manufacturers here in Nassau County. I encourage all manufacturers seeking to expand their operations to speak with the Empire State Development and Nassau County Industrial Development Agency to determine how FuzeHub can help you.”
“Governor Cuomo’s Fuzehub initiative has made a tangible impact on the growth of manufacturing companies here on Long Island and around New York State,” said Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone. “Hydrolutions, whose pilot installation and beta testing is expected to take place in Suffolk County, is benefiting from the assistance and solutions offered by this statewide program. With Governor Cuomo’s continued support, the Fuzehub initiative will create new, quality, green-tech jobs that are needed here on Long Island and in New York State.”
Outcomes from working with FuzeHub included the following:

  • Pilot installation and associated beta testing expected to take place in Suffolk County
  • Funding in place for third-party environmental testing with RIT’s Pollution Prevention Institute
  • New systems, which are plant-based, will use less energy than incumbent mechanical/chemical systems, many of which are more than 50 years old and in need of upgrading
  • Access to new markets: in Suffolk County alone, there are approximately 356,773 households that could use Hydrolutions’ technology

In addition, Solaravy, a solar lighting company, which also attended the FuzeHub Long Island Solutions Forum, submitted a request to FuzeHub seeking assistance with strategic market development and identifying a manufacturer of metal fabricators. After meeting with several state and regional resources at the Forum, Solaravy engaged with FuzeHub partner, LIFT.
LIFT introduced Solaravy President Aviran Ben-Shetrit to two manufacturing fabrication companies, including Vinmar Precision Metals. Vinmar Precision Metals is now fabricating the Solar Lighting metal components for Solaravy’s parking lot lighting system. They are wireless free standing smart, solar units and should be in place in the Rockaways this year. The company obtained a small manufacturing facility in West Hempstead, Nassau County to assemble the LED lighting systems, solar panels and battery packs within the metal housing.
Solaravy President Aviran Ben-Shetrit said, “Starting a new business, especially a manufacturing and marketing company on Long Island, is challenging to say the least. It was the encouragement and advice I received at the Long Island Solutions Forum that kept me going. Together we will be part of the new economy of Long Island.”
“FuzeHub relies on our vast network of experts to make these types of timely connections for companies who need business growth, technology commercialization and global competitiveness,” said Matt Watson, Director of Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology & Innovation.
For more information on FuzeHub, please visit or contact Laura Mann, Executive Director of Strategy and Operations at [email protected].


About FuzeHub
FuzeHub is a new initiative that works to better connect New York’s small and mid-sized manufacturing companies to the resources, programs and expertise they need for technology commercialization, innovative solutions and business growth. FuzeHub unites and integrates a broad network of multi-disciplinary public and private sector technology, industry and commercialization services, experts and partners. We bridge the gap by providing fast access through a convenient, 24/7 online request service, numerous event opportunities for meeting with solution partners, and direct assistance from our Innovation Specialists team every step of the way.
FuzeHub was initiated by the partnering of a state and federal program with support from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s NIST MEP and Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology & Innovation (NYSTAR).
Additional news available at
New York State | Executive Chamber | [email protected] | 518.474.8418


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