Lighting the Fuze: Grants Powering NYS Industry

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Lighting the Fuze is a series focused on the stories of NYS manufacturers receiving grants allowing them to create pathways to innovation for their products and services. For this edition, we are featuring three cleantech-focused companies – SparkCharge, TelosAir, and Capro-X


Amount Awarded: $50,000

SparkCharge’s technology builds on modules of lithium-ion batteries, called Roadies, that can be delivered to wherever a driver wants a charge. The service can be accessed through the company’s subscription-based app called Currently. A service vehicle comes to that spot and begins charging, adding about a mile of range every minute.

“We realized that as society was moving forward, everything was being brought on demand and made convenient but when it came to electric vehicles,” Aviv explained. “It was always this notion of, ‘I have to go find, sit, and wait at a charger, which made owning an electric vehicle a hassle.”

For those without an EV charger at home or nearby, it made owning an electric vehicle impossible, but thanks to Aviv and SparkCharge, those barriers are being broken.


Amount Awarded: $10,000

TelosAir’s cutting-edge indoor air quality sensors, AI-enabled analytics and insights, and integration with building management systems allow you to see clearly what’s in the air you breathe and how to make it safer and healthier.

Our complete, end-to-end solution provides the best way not only to monitor the indoor air you and your community breathe, but to analyze it in real time and act on those insights to improve air quality by adjusting air flow, air sources, air pressure, and more through integration with building management systems. 


Amount Awarded: $25,000

Capro-X is an agritech spin-off from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. We are increasing sustainability in the dairy industry by solving the acid whey waste problem prevalent in Greek yogurt production. Every day, Greek yogurt producers in NY have to deal with 300,000 gallons of acid whey waste. Most of it is trucked around to local farms for feed and fertilizer. The remainder is sent to wastewater treatment plants – at a significant financial and environmental cost.

Our WheyAway treatment technology uses naturally occurring, non-GMO, microbes to upgrade dairy waste streams into clean water and natural bio-oils.

With a Capro-X WheyAway, Greek yogurt producers can focus on what they do best – making Greek yogurt – without the hassle of handling acid whey wastes!



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