NY MEP Success Story: Glen Copack Masters Dry Filling!

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Glen Copack has delivered personalized food manufacturing and packing services to more than 100 businesses across the United States since 2007. Their exceptional industry knowledge, commitment to quality, and premier fulfillment services make them a trusted business partner. Glen Copack is a manufacturer and a social enterprise operated by The Arc Chemung-Schuyler, a not for profit organization. They play an instrumental role in providing job training and employment opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.Glen Copack is located in Watkins Glen, NY at the heart of the Finger Lakes area.

The Challenge

Glen Copack specializes in low to mid volume, high-mix dry fill co-packing in the food manufacturing and packing industry. The current steps in the production process were primarily manual operations.  To remain competitive and accommodate increased volume, Glen Copack requested assistance from AM&T, part of the New York MEP and MEP National Network™ with an automation improvement project for dry fill food production via procurement & implementation of automated equipment additions and changes that optimize and increase the use of the current labor and increase product flow through production.

The implementation of the new dry-weigh fill system has allowed the people we support to independently run large portions of some of our dry fill productions. This was the original goal of Glen Copack and the addition of this equipment is helping us to realize that goal.

— Wendy Shutter, Director of Business Services

MEP’s Role

Glen Copack contracted AM&T to support its efforts with the identification, procurement, and implementation of automation improvements for dry fill food production via the integration of new, automated equipment. This effort helped Glen Copack to increase their overall competitiveness, increase the productivity and capacity of their operations in dry fill food production, as well as better utilize current labor.


  • 8 created or retained jobs
  • 100% improvement in dry-fill volume productivity
  • 25% overall improvement in productivity
  • Improved competitiveness
  • Improved utilization of labor


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