NYS Manufacturing and Tech News 3.23.20

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What is an essential business? Here’s the full list
“Considering the executive order initiated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in order to prevent additional spread of coronavirus, the state’s Department of Economic Development compiled a list of essential business and industry in order to mitigate confusion of what is considered essential.”
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Brooklyn distilleries shuttered by coronavirus now manufacturing hand sanitizers
“Brooklyn distilleries shuttered over coronavirus are making good use of their leftover alcohol: manufacturing desperately needed hand sanitizer.”
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Coronavirus: Task force to help Syracuse-area businesses survive ‘staggering’ downturn
“Local government and private-sector leaders have formed a task force to help businesses survive what Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh termed a “staggering” downturn caused by the coronavirus outbreak.”
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Hickey Freeman making masks for Rochester General Hospital
“Hickey Freeman Tailored Clothing is set to begin production of protective face masks for the medical staff at Rochester General Hospital, the Rochester manufacturer said Tuesday.”
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Local businesses step up to produce medical supplies
“The company is far from the only local business stepping up or offering to answer the nation’s and the state’s call to arms for the increased manufacture of medical supplies.”
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Coronavirus: Demand soars for Central New York company’s air purifiers amid pandemic
“A small business in Oswego County that makes medical-grade air purifiers is trying to keep up with a record surge in sales as the coronavirus pandemic fuels worldwide demand for its equipment.”
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