NYS Manufacturing and Tech News 5.22.23

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NYS Manufacturing & Tech News, pile of newspapers in background

Rochester Institute of Technology takes its place on international stage at G7 to advance semiconductor development

“Micron launches U.S.-Japan university partnership to increase research, educational opportunities and the pipeline of graduates in computer chip manufacturing.”

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NY Creates signs research agreements with South Korea and Israel

“Officials said agreements highlight reasons why Albany Nanotech is ideal choice for national semiconductor lab.”

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Made on Long Island: Foster-Gordon Manufacturing Company in Bohemia

“Foster-Gordon Manufacturing Company is a family-owned and operated business, and with graduation season underway they’re working around the clock.”

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Retech adds new manufacturing facility at headquarters

“Retech, a Seco/Warwick Group company based in Buffalo, New York, USA, has announced it will be expanding into a second location some 60% larger than its current building, which it moved into just five years ago.”

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