Rare Earth and Critical Materials

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Rare Earth and Critical Materials, image: periodic table of elements transparently laid over a circuit board

Cerium. Neodymium. Yttrium. Erbium. Whether or not you are familiar with these and the 13 other rare earth elements (REEs), you should understand their importance to the future of technology and the U.S. economy.

Future innovation in several areas—including computers, fiber optics, military gear and green applications—hinges on access to REEs, but domestic supply is severely limited. China currently produces 97 percent of the world’s REEs and controls supply and pricing. There is renewed interest in the development of mines in California and Alaska, but success may depend on the discovery of new, environmentally friendly extraction techniques.

If this topic interests you, join FuzeHub and NYSTAR for the New York State Innovation Summit, October 7-8 at the Rochester Convention Center. The Innovation Summit is the premier event for organizations that want to showcase or discover emerging technologies that support innovation and drive business growth.

The Day 1 Track “Critical Materials for the US Economy” will discuss REES, the issues surrounding a return to domestic sourcing and the role innovators like you can play.  You will hear from Steven J. Duclos, Chief Scientist, Additive Manufacturing at GE Research; Eric Williams, Professor at the Golisano Institute for Sustainability at RIT; and Dr. Helena Khazdozian, AAAS Fellow in the Advanced Manufacturing Office at the U.S. Department of Energy.

To learn more about the summit or to register, click here.


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