Lead the Way with Manufacturing USA
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Connect with people, ideas, and technology that will advance your manufacturing business through the Manufacturing USA institutes. In this webinar, you will hear from representatives of 5 of the Manufacturing USA institutes about how you can leverage their resources to accelerate your competitiveness.
By connecting with the Manufacturing USA institutes and their affiliated resources in New York State, you will position yourself at the cutting edge of advanced technology and innovation. Here’s how:
- Access opportunities for growth through shared R&D,
workforce development, and more - Learn about new project funding opportunities
- Gain access to advanced manufacturing facilities, equipment, and expertise
- Be a part of a national network of manufacturers working together to advance the future of U.S. manufacturing competitiveness
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Meet the Presenters:

Kevin Kelley

Scott Miller

Terry Clas

John Wen

Adrian Cosma

Alyson Slack
Welcome & Introduction
Alyson Slack, FuzeHub
Get to Know the Institutes
Adrian Cosma, FuzeHub
Presenting on: Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII)
Terry Clas, Empire State Development
Presenting on: American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics)
Kevin Kelley, REMADE Institute
Scott Miller, NextFlex
John Wen, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Presenting on: The Advanced Robotics Manufacturing Institute
How to Get Started Now