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The last decade has seen the emergence of miniature models of human tissues that have revolutionary promise for medicine. With tools such as the “gut-on-a-chip,” the “brain-on-a-chip,” and the “lung-on-a chip,” biomedical scientists are able to quickly make discoveries that were previously only available through slow and limited animal studies. The laboratory of PI James McGrath at the University of Rochester has used SiMPore’s ultrathin (< 300 nm) and transparent porous membranes to make a novel platform for “tissue chips” called the ?SiM. The ?SiM is quickly growing in popularity and has strong commercial potential. This project will have SiMPore adopt the manufacturing methods of the McGrath lab to create a commercial offering of the ?SiM.


James Roussie

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Attendee Request Form: 2023 Hardware Prototyping Workshop
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