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As the Vice President for Large-Scale Renewables, Georges leads NYSERDA’s work in advancing both land-based renewable energy and offshore wind resources. Prior to joining NYSERDA in September 2021, he spent nearly ten years at General Electric (GE)
Georges Sassine
VP, Large Scale Renewables (NYSERDA)
Dr. Jian Sun joined the faculty at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 2002, where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering.
Jian Sun
Director of the Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES)


Before starting his “second career” in academia, Brian enjoyed a successful career in sales management, product management, marketing, and strategic planning. His career included positions of increasing responsibility at Johnson & Johnson, Crane & Company, and Taconic Biosciences.
Brian Apkarian
Director of Business Development (CFES)
Chulsung Bae is a Ford Foundation Professor at the Dept of Chemistry & Chemical Biology RPI. Bae's research group focuses on the development of functional polymeric materials that might find applications in the areas of clean energy and environmental technologies.
Chulsung Bae
Ford Foundation Professor - RPI
Everton's focus is helping the manufacturing community, general industry, start-ups, local colleges, and universities to advance innovation and technology. More...
Dr. Everton H. Henriques, MA, HON
Director of Manufacturing and Technology Initiatives, FuzeHub
Michael has more than 17 years of experience ranging from engineering and product development, manufacturing, business development and operations. Prior to joining CEG in 2013, he was director of an incubator program, an entrepreneur, and was a senior engineer at Boeing.
Michael Lobsinger
SVP and Center Director for CEG
David Whipple is the Director of Industry Development for renewable energy at Empire State Development, the State level job creating agency. He works with partners to help renewable energy businesses establish manufacturing operations in NY.
David Whipple
Director of Industry Development - ESD
Peter is skilled in Residential & C&I Solar Energy, Environmental Awareness, Public Speaking, International Education, Organic Farming, Offshore Wind Supply Chain Management, Circular Economy and Climate Change Science. He has a Masters of Science focused in Science for Sustainable Development from Linköping University.
Peter Lion
Senior Advisor - Offshore WInd - NYSERDA
Jude Auman
Project Development - LJUNGSTRÖM
Christopher is responsible for managing multiple product lines across various industries to effectively deploy roadmaps and the overall vision for hydrogen infrastructure. 
Christopher D. Johnson
Product Manager - Plug Power
Cullen Brown is a Key Account Manager in the Customer Business Development group at (NYPA), helping manage NYPA’s economic development programs, as well as working with municipalities and SUNY campuses to achieve their CLCPA goals.
Cullen O. Brown
Associate Key Account Manager - NYPA


  • 7:30 AM
    Doors Open
  • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
    Registration and Breakfast

    Location: Main Hall

  • 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM
    Welcome Addresses

    Location: RMCC Theater

    Master of Ceremonies: Everton H. Henriques
    Welcome: Cathleen McColgin, John Piseck, Franca Armstrong, Matt Watson, Elizabeth Lusskin

  • 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM
    Sponsor Presentations

    Location: RMCC Theater

    Lloyd Ploof – Square One Coatings, Jacob Perry – Neff Automation, Cory Albrecht – AIM, Bill McDonald – Herkimer College

  • 9:00 AM – 9:15 AM
    Keynote Speaker I

    Location: RMCC Theater

    John Lorence V.P. Manufacturing Engineering The Fountainhead Group

  • 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
    Breakout Sessions: Part I

    Room 294

    Manufacturing Solutions Track: How to Fund, Build, and Market a Better Product​ (read more)

    Room 295

    Agriculture Solutions Track: Energy Saving Technology and Grant / Incentive Programs:(read more)

  • 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM
    Exhibitor Showcase & Networking

    Location: Main Hall

  • 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
    Lunch and Main Keynote

    Location: Lower Level Dining Hall

    Marion Terenzio – President, SUNY Cobleskill

    Elizabeth Dribusch – CEO, NYS Farm Bureau

  • 1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
    Breakout Sessions: Part II

    Room 294

    Manufacturing Solutions Track: Cybersecurity Solutions for Manufacturing​ (read more)

    Room 295

    Agriculture Solutions Track: Energy Efficiency Programs and Funding Opportunities (read more)

  • 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    Exhibitor Showcase & Networking

    Location: Main Hall

  • 3:00 PM
    Event Concludes




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